Multiple Choice History question?

Why do we see cell phones and wireless technology in poor and underdeveloped countries?

The governments of these countries require that everyone in these countries have wireless technology.

The United Nations has required that everyone around the world have access to wireless technology.

Everyone in these countries can afford wireless technology.

Building towers is cheaper than stringing wire across vast expanses of land in rural and undeveloped regions.

1 Answer
Apr 11, 2018

The last one is probably the best.


Governments offer incentives to Cell phone companies as well. A combination of microwave and cell technology can save on burying wire. As well in places like South Africa, copper scavenging by local people mean that buried cable is dug up and recycled for cash almost as soon as it is installed.

I was just in Myanmar which is not a wealthy country but everyone seemed to have a cell phone. It was part of an effort to modernize the country and appease citizens.

Cell phone tower range can be 20 to 40 miles depending.