Where was most destruction caused during the Civil War?

I need help on my work, and i cant find any website with the information i need, pls help :)

1 Answer
Apr 12, 2018

That is because "destruction" may be defined and quantified in different ways.


For this type of question, an answer that provides evidence of the amount of research that you did AND why YOU reached the conclusions from it that you did is more valuable than a particular "stock answer".

In this case the two main criteria would be either lives lost/affected or physical damage to cities and infrastructure. The War Between the States had too many major battles with huge amounts of casualties, but a review of the statistics on them might bring you to an answer in terms of human life.

For economic or property damage, several city sackings were prominent. My own recollection is that the "March to Atlanta" by General Sherman and the subsequent burning of the entire city was probably the single largest act of destruction during the war.