Find the value of *a* for which there is no term independent of *x* in the expansion of #(1 + ax^2)(2/x - 3x)^6#?

1 Answer
Apr 30, 2018

a = 2


#(1 + ax^2)(2/x - 3x)#
#= (1 + ax^2)(729x^6 + 64/x^6 - 2916x^4 - 576/x^4 + 4860x^2 + 2160/x^2 -4320)#

Upon expansion, the constant term must be eliminated to ensure complete dependence of the polynomial on x. Notice that the #2160/x^2# term becomes #2160a + 2160/x^2# upon expansion.
Setting a = 2 eliminates the constant as well as #2160a#, which was independent of x. (#4320 - 4320)#

(Correct me if I'm wrong, please)