There are 300 students in English 101 and 660 students in English 102 what is the ratio in simplest form of the students in English 101 ?

3 Answers
May 4, 2018



300/660300660, where 300 is the number of students in English 101, and 660 is the number of students in English 102.

Divide by 60, the GCF.

300/6030060 = 5
660/6066060 = 11

5/11511 is the ratio in its simplest form.

May 6, 2018



I am going to interpret this poorly worded question differently from how Camilleon did.

There were 960 students in the 2 courses. The number of students in English 101 was
300/960 = 100/320 = 10/32 = 5/16300960=100320=1032=516
of the total students in the 2 courses.

I do not know which answer will be considered correct, but this points out that clarity is important.

I hope this helps,

May 9, 2018

Depending on what quantities are to be compared it is

5:11" or " 5:165:11 or 5:16


A ratio is a comparison between two or more quantities.

The question does not state clearly what quantities must be compared?

Assuming it is
"The ratio of students in 101" ":" "101 : students in 102102

Then we have: 300" : " 660300 : 660
Which gives: " "5" : "11" "larr(div 60 5 : 11 (÷60 for simplest form )

I would assume this is what was intended.

But if it is meant as
"The ratio of students in 101" : "101 : the students in both"

Then we have: 300" : " 960300 : 960
Which gives: " "5" : "16" "larr(div 60 5 : 16 (÷60 for simplest form )