2ft + 2ft =_yd_ft?

1 Answer
May 8, 2018

"1 yd, 1 ft"


First, let's figure out how many feet this makes, and then convert it into yards:

2 + 2 = 4 "feet"

There are 4 feet. How many yards is that? Well, groups of three feet make one yard, so how many groups of three does 4 have? That will tell use how many yards are in 4 ft.

"3 feet = 1 yard"

Divide 4/3 to find how many groups of three without going over we can make out of four:

4/3 = "1 r1" (1 with a remainder of 1)

There is only 1 full yard that can be made of 4 feet, with one foot remaining, or:

"4 feet = 1 yard, 1 foot"