What are hormones and Classification of hormones?

1 Answer

Hormones are the chemical messengers which are produced from endocrine glands and reach their target organ through blood to perform an specific function (mainly stimulation).


Hormones can be classified in three ways.

i) Structural Classification:-

a)Steroid Hormones:- Derived from Cholesterol. The Hormones produced in Adrenal Cortex and The Sex Hormones. They have important functions in the body like water balance, sexual development, stress response etc.

E.g. :- Testosterone, Progesterone, Glucocorticosteriods, Mineralocorticosteroids etc.

b)Amino acid Derivative Hormones:- Derived from Amino acids and Peptides.

#diamond# Thyroid Hormones:- Derived from the Amino acid Tyrosine, Contains Iodine Element. E.g. Tetra-iodothyronine (#T_4#), Tri-iodothyronine (#T_3#), Parathormone, Calcitonin etc.

#diamond# Catecholamines:- Derived from Tyrosine, can also function as a neurotransmitter. E.g. Epineprhine (Adrenaline), Nor-epinephrine(Nor-adrenaline) etc.

#diamond# Tryptophan-based Hormones:- As the name suggests, derived from the Essential Amino acid Tryptophan.
E.g. Melatonin, Serotonin.

#diamond# Glutamic acid-based Hormones:- Histamine is an example.

c)Fatty acid Derivative Hormones or Eicosaniods:- Most abundant precursor is the Essential Fatty Acid Arachidonic Acid. E.g. Prostaglandins (Kidney), Prostacyclins, Leukotrienes, Thromboxanes etc.

ii)Classification by Solubility:-

a) Lipid-soluble Hormones:- Soluble in Lipids, Can work on the cell directly by going through the bi-layer phospolipid membrane of cells. E.g. Steroid Hormones.

b)Water-soluble Hormones:- Soluble in Water. Has to work indirectly because of the lack of penetration through the cell membrane. E.g. Amino acid-based Hormones.

iii) Classification by Target:-

a) Tropic Hormones:- Tropic Hormones are hormones which stimulate other endocrine glands to work. Generally Released from Pituitary Glands.

E.g. Gonado-Tropic Hormones, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Somatotropic Hormone, Adreno-Cortico Tropic Hormones etc.

b) Non-Tropic Hormones:- These work on other cells except Endocrine Glands. E.g. Calcitonin, Adrenaline, Oxytocin, Insulin, Glucagon etc.

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