How to find price before sale?

in a sale, Jen buys a laptop for 351.55
this price is 21% less than the price before the sale.

1 Answer
May 27, 2018

The regular price is $445.00.


Let #p# be the price of the laptop before the sale.

Then $351.55 is 21% less than #p#.

This means, if we take 21% of #p# away from #p#, we'll get $351.55.

In math:

#p-0.21p = $351.55#

#0.79p = $351.55#

Notice how this also means the sale price Jen pays ($351.55) is the remaining 79% of the retail price.

Solving for #p#:

#(cancel0.79p)/cancel0.79 = ($351.55)/0.79#

#"           "p=$445.00#

So the price before the sale is $445.00.