The force of gravity on a 2-kg rock is twice as great as that on a 1-kg rock. Why then doesn't the heavier rock fall faster?

1 Answer
May 30, 2018

All objects are accelerated at a constant rate by gravity.


Newton's Law:

#F = ma#

Let's call the small rock #1# and the larger rock #2#.


#m_1 = 1 " kg"#
#m_2 = 2 " kg"#

We know that the force of gravity on the larger rock is twice the force of gravity on the smaller rock:

#F_2 = 2F_1#

Applying Newton's Law:

#m_2a_2 = 2m_1a_1#

#2a_2 = 2(1)a_1#

#cancel(2)a_2 = cancel(2)a_1#

#=>a_2 = a_1#

Hence, the accelerations are equal as expected.