What are the causes of russian revolution ?

1 Answer
Jun 2, 2018

Various political, economic, and social causes led to the Russian Revolution.


. Political causes

Political instability throughout Russia contributed largely to the people's demand for change. Czar Nicholas II abused his total power, resisted change, and denied human rights. Bloody Sunday in 1905, in which peaceful protestors were shot under the Czar's orders, led to national resentment of his rule. His involvement in WWI and the Russo-Japanese War which Russia lost(also in 1905) increased his unpopularity, because Russia suffered losses in battle after battle.

  1. Economic causes

Shortage of food and fuel, debt from participation in wars, and a profundly unequal distribution of wealth between social classes were also causes of the October Revolution.

  1. Social causes

The anger of the population enabled the Bolsheviks to seize, most of the population saw the Tsar as embodying divine right monarchy and could not either read or write, there was no way they had ever heard about Marx and class struggle. The Bolsheviks called themselves the defenders of the people and yet they were part of the Bourgeoisie.