How many atoms are in 5.0 moles copper?

1 Answer
Jun 3, 2018

Approx. #30xx10^23# #"copper atoms......."#


You could have asked how many copper atoms exist in 6 dozen copper atoms....clearly the answer is 72. Instead of the dozen, we use another collective number,

i.e. #N_A=underbrace(6.022140857(74)xx10^23*mol^-1)_"the Avocado Number, the number of avocadoes in one mole"#....

And so we take the PRODUCT....

#5*molxx6.022140857(74)xx10^23*mol^-1=??*"copper atoms"#

Can you tell me (with reference to something else) the MASS of the given molar quantity? And if you can understand this you understand molar equivalence to degree level. Congratulations.