Rapid reproduction is an advantage of which process?

Rapid reproduction is an advantage of which process?

1 Answer
Jun 21, 2018


In less complex creatures, budding or fission is a much quicker process capable of creating more copies of the creatures. Unilke the fusion of egg and sperm, the gestation of an embryo and it's maturation, asexual reproduction creates an already usable DNA. Often, because the parent cell has gone through a process of division, be it growing budding tissue, creating a cell wall, out pinching off cytoplasm, the new creature is already good to go. There is still maturation, but it's none of the fuss of sexual reproduction.

In fact many simple organisms benefit from rapid asexual reproduction in order to maintain a stable populations. They may not be as able to change or adapt to new threats, but can certainly out produce them. Or create enough offspring that beneficial mutations are bound to occur.