How I resolve this limit?



1 Answer
Jun 22, 2018



lim_(n->+oo)(1/ln n)^((ln ln n)/n)

lim_(n->+oo)e^ { ln( (1/ln n)^((ln ln n)/n) )}

= exp( lim_(n->+oo) ((ln ln n)/n) ln( 1/ln n) )

= exp( lim_(n->+oo) -(ln ln n)^2/n)

= exp( 0 )

= 1

I wrote exp(x) instead of e^x because the latter doesn't look very good with the entire limit in the exponent. exp(x)=e^x

In the limit of a very slowly increasing (ln ln n)^2 in the numerator versus a must faster increasing n in the denominator, the denominator wins and the limit is zero.