If the following lines are perpendicular to each other then λ equals : x-5/7=y-1/-5=z+2/1, x+2/λ=y+3/2=z+10/3 ?

1 Answer
Jun 23, 2018

lambda = 1


I'm guessing the slash is a fraction bar. Don't be shy about overparenthesizing folks, it helps us out here in answerland.

We'll use a parametric representation to shake out the direction vectors. The parameter is just the common ratio:

(x-5)/7=(y-1)/-5 = (z+2)/1 = t

x =5+ 7t

y = 1 -5 t

z = -2 + t

(x,y,z) = (5,1,-2) + t(7, -5, 1)

We see how the direction vector is just the denominators. Let's work out the other line:

(x+2)/λ=(y+3)/2=(z+10)/3 =u

(x,y,z) = (-2,-3,-10) + u(lambda, 2, 3)

We have perpendicularity when the dot product between the direction vectors is zero:

0 = (7, -5, 1)cdot(lambda, 2, 3)= 7lambda -5(2)+1(3)

7 = 7 lambda

lambda = 1

Check: 7(1)-5(2)+1(3)=0 quad sqrt