Does the following sentence have any indirect objects? If so, where?: She gave me a gift.
1 Answer
Jun 27, 2018
Yes, the sentence has an indirect object and it is me.
Indirect objects are nouns that receive the direct object.
To find one in a sentence, find the direct object, and then ask, "Who was given the direct object?"
Here are some example sentences. The indirect objects are colored
My grandmother passed
color(blue)"Maddie" thecolor(green)"box" of tissues.
rarr the grandmother passed the box to who? To Maddie, so "Maddie" is the indirect object. -
He gave the
color(blue)"poor" all of hiscolor(green)"money" .
rarr He gave his money to who? The poor, so "poor" is the indirect object.
In your sentence, there is an indirect object:
- She gave
color(blue)"me" acolor(green)"gift" .
rarr She gave the gift to who? Me, so "me" is the indirect object.