The equation 3x+1.5y = 303x+1.5y=30 describes the number of burgers and hot dogs a family can buy with $30. What are the intercepts of the equation, and what does each represent?
3 Answers
Basically the intercepts represent the number of one of the items you can buy using the entire amount of
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See a solution process below:
The intercepts represent the maximum number of hotdogs or hamburgers the family could by,
So for example, if they bought no hotdogs (the y value equal to 0) they could buy 10 hamburgers, the
x intercept represents
x intercept is found by putting
y intercept is found by putting
x intercept represent
y intercept represent
graph{3 x+1.5 y=30 [-80, 80, -40, 40]} [Ans]