To make 10 servings of soup you need 4 cups of broth. You want to know how many servings you can make with 8 pints of broth. What proportion should you use?

2 Answers
Jun 27, 2018

see below


Remember #1 # pint #= 2# cups
#color(white)("XXX")8# pints #= 16# cups
or (equivalently)
#color(white)("XXX")2# pints #= 4# cups

So the given ratio #10" servings" : 4" cups"# could be expressed as #10" servings" : 2" pints"#;
and the desired #8# pints could be expressed as #16# cups

If the number of servings per cups is denoted as #x_c#
and the number of servings per pint is denoted as #x_p#

The ratio could be expressed
#{: ("either as ","servings : cups"," or ", "servings : pints"), (,10 : 4,,10 : 2), (,x_c : 16,,x_p : 8), ("so",," or ",), (,(x_c)/16=10/4,,(x_p)/8=10/2), (,x_c=40,,x_p=40) :}#

Jun 27, 2018

#40" servings for 8 pints"#


We are mixing units of measurement. To make the calculation more straight forward lets use pints through out. This means we have to determine how many pints are in 4 cups.

#color(blue)("Converting cups to pints")#

Assumption: 2 cups have the same volume as 1 pint.

So by ratio we have: #("pints")/("cups") -> 1/2#

So for 4 cups: #("pints")/("cups") -> 1/2xx1 -> 1/2xx2/2=2/4#

Thus 4 cups is the same volume as 2 pints:

#color(blue)("Answering the question")#

Let the unknown count of servings be #x#

#("servings")/("pints") -> 10/2 = x/8#

Multiply both sides by 8

#x=(10xx8)/2 = 40" servings for 8 pints"#