Find the centre,vertices foci,lengths of latera recta and the eccencivity of ellipse whose equation is? 49x²+144y²-196x-720y-668=0

1 Answer

Given equation of ellipse






Comparing above equation with the standard form of ellipse

#X^2/a^2+Y^2/b^2=1# we get

#X=x-2, Y=y-5/2, a=6, b=7/2#

Eccentricity of ellipse


Center of ellipse

#X=0, Y=0#

#x-2=0, y-5/2=0#

#(2, 5/2)#

Vertices of Ellipse

#(X=\pm a, Y=0) \ & \ (X=0, Y=\pm b)#

#(x-2=\pm6, y-5/2=0)\ &\ (x-2=0, y-5/2=\pm7/2)#

#(2\pm6, 5/2)\ &\ (2, 5/2\pm7/2)#

Focii of ellipse

#(X=\pmae, Y=0)#

#(x-2=\pm\sqrt{95}/2, y-5/2=0)#

#(2\pm\sqrt{95}/2, 5/2)#

Latus rectum of ellipse
