What would be the harm of having a captive animal?

1 Answer
Jul 8, 2018

A few thoughts...


It seems to me that keeping an animal in captivity has both benefits and deficits:

Potential benefits

  • Since the animal can be observed more closely, its needs (especially health needs) may be more swiftly determined and addressed.

  • The animal can be kept safe from natural predators.

Potential harm

  • A restricted environment may not provide enough opportunities for healthy exercise.

  • An unnatural environment potentially compromises the animal's ability to cope in their natural environment,

  • The animal's needs may not be well understood., resulting in unintentional compromises of diet, hygiene, etc.

  • Frequent contact with humans may compromise the animal's appropriate fear of man as a predator, making it less safe to release them into the wild.

  • Captivity may limit opportunities for relating to other animals of it's own kind and may compromise procreation in other ways.