Tyler needs at least $205 for a new video game system. He has already saved $30. He earns $7 an hour at his job. Write and solve an inequality to find how many hours he will need to work to buy the system. Interpret the solution._?

1 Answer
Jul 11, 2018

Tyler needs to work at least 25 hours


The words "at least" indicate that an "inequality" is needed here to describe Tyler's situation.

let's use the letter #T# (Target) to represent the amount of money that Tyler needs, #x# for the amount of money he has and #h# for the number of hours he works.

things we are told:

#T >= 205#

#x = 30 + 7h#

If he reaches his target then # x = T# so:

# 30 + 7h >= 205#

subtract 30 from both sides

# 7h >= 203 - 30#

# 7h >=175#

divide both sides by 7

#h >= 25#