Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

Key Questions

  • Answer:

    The central dogma describes how a gene is ultimately expressed.



    The central dogma shows how information is transferred from DNA to RNA to protein; when the cell receives a signal that a gene must be expressed, RNA Polymerase is recruited to the region of DNA where that gene is located. It makes an RNA copy of that region of DNA, in a process called transcription.

    This RNA is then transported out of the nucleus of the cell, and is "translated" into a protein by molecular machines called ribosomes. The process of going from DNA (gene) to RNA to protein is basically gene expression.

  • DNA -> DNA -> RNA -> protein

    DNA -> DNA
    (the process of DNA copying itself is called replication)

    DNA -> RNA
    (the process of DNA being used to create RNA is called transcription)

    RNA -> protein
    (the process of ribosomes using RNA molecule to make proteins is called translation)

    Here is a video which summarizes the central dogma of molecular biology using DNA Workshop from PBS.

    video from: Noel Pauller
