What are quantum numbers used to describe?

1 Answer
Dec 7, 2014

Quantum numbers are used to describe an atom's electron distributions. Particularly, they represent acceptable solutions to Schrodinger's wave equations for the Hydrogen atom (more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger_equation )

There are 4 quantum numbers: n, l, m_l, and m_s.

The quantum number that indicates the orbital is l. This quantum number varies from 0 to n-1 and idicates the s, p ,d or f subshell:

l= 0 -> s subshell;
l = 1 -> p subshell;
l = 2 -> d subshell;
and so on.

Think of quantum numbers as forming a map to a certain electron's location, each electron having a distinct set of quantum numbers to describe its position.
For example, n=2, l=1, m_l=0, and m_s=+1/2 correspond to one electron located on the second energy level, in one of the three p-orbitals (the one corresponding to m_l=0), that has a positive spin. Therefore, that electron would be located in 2p_y ( 2p_x would correspond to m_l = -1 and 2p_z to m_l=+1 ) and have a positive spin.