Question #59c18

1 Answer
Apr 28, 2017



The General Eqn. of a line is,

ax+by+c=0, a^2+b^2ne0; a,b in RR.......(l).

because, the Origin O(0,0) in l rArr a(0)+b(0)+c=0. i.e., c=0.

Thus, the Family of Straight Lines through O(0,0) is

L={ax+by=0 | a^2+b^2ne0; a,b in RR}.

Since there are 2 arbitray consts., (i.e., a and b) we have to

costruct a Diff. Eqn. of order 2. ax+by=0 w.r.t. x, a+bdy/dx=0., b(d^2y)/dx^2=0.

:. (d^2y)/dx^2=0, is the desired Diff. Eqn.