Give some examples of chemical energy in daily use?

1 Answer
Jan 2, 2018

Some important examples from daily use are listed below.


Examples are

  • Food - Chemical energy in food is released when food is digested. If we have more calories, the unused energy is converted back into fat, another form of chemical energy. This may be reused when we starve or exercise.
  • Fuel such as wood, oils - They store chemical energy which is released as the wood oxidizes and is converted into heat converting chemical energy into thermal and light energy. In cars, aeroplanes etc. it is converted into kinetic energy. In power houses chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.
  • Explosives - as explosives go off, chemical energy stored in the explosive is transferred into sound energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy.
  • Storage batteries - They contain chemical energy which is converted into electrical energy. In chargeable batteries, electrical energy is converted back into chemical energy.