Is +-5i the square root of -25 ?

1 Answer
May 19, 2017

Yes and no.


The notation:


is shorthand for the two values:

5i" " and " "-5i

So we can say that the polynomial:

x^2+25 = 0

has roots:

x = +-5i

meaning that it has roots:

x = 5i" " and " "x = -5i

In other words, -25 has two square roots, namely 5i and -5i.

By common definition and convention, the symbols sqrt(-25) denote 5i (which is called the "principal square root"). So -sqrt(-25) = -5i. Both sqrt(-25) = 5i and -sqrt(-25) = -5i are square roots of -25.


The +- symbol is very useful for shortening expressions that describe multiple values, but can be unclear when overused.

For example, we might write:

(a+-b)^2 = a^2+-2ab+b^2

which is true, provided that the chosen signs match.

Then again, we might say that the roots of:

x^4-10x^2+1 = 0


x = +-sqrt(2)+-sqrt(3)

but in that case we would intend all 4 possible combinations.