Question #0968e

1 Answer
Feb 20, 2018

As described below: (source - (


  1. Hypotenuse (n) the side in a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle (Abbr. - hyp)
    Origin : (Latin hypotēnūsa < Greek hypoteínousahyp) - 1565 - 1575

  2. Sine (n) Trigonometry : in a right triangle, the ratio of the side opposite a given acute angle to the hypotenuse. (Abbr. - sin)
    Geometry : a perpendicular line drawn from one extremity of an arc of a circle to the diameter that passes through its other extremity.
    Origin : Latin Sinus; Arabic Jaya, Sanskrit Jaya - meaning bowstring. 1585 - 1595

  3. Cosine (n) Trigonometry : in a right triangle, the ratio of the side adjacent to a given angle to the hypotenuse. the sine of the complement of a given angle or arc. (Abbr. - cos)
    Origin : Latin cosinus - 1625 - 1635.

  4. Tangent (adj) :in immediate physical contact; touching.
    Trigonometry : in a right triangle, the ratio of the side opposite a given angle to the side adjacent to the angle. (Abbr - tan)
    Geometry : a) touching at a single point, as a tangent in relation to a curve or surface. (Abbr. tgn)
    b) in contact along a single line or element, as a plane with a cylinder.
    Origin : Latin - tangent - 1585 - 1590

  5. Secant (n) :
    Geometry. an intersecting line, especially one intersecting a curve at two or more points.
    (in a right triangle) the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle.
    the ratio of the length of this line to that of the radius of the circle; the reciprocal of the cosine of a given angle or arc.
    (Abbr.: sec)
    Origin : Latin - Secant - 1585 - 1595

  6. Cosecant (n) : Trigonometry : in a right triangle, the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side opposite a given angle.
    the secant of the complement, or the reciprocal of the sine, of a given angle or arc. (Abbr. csc or cosec )
    Origin : Latin - cosecant - 1700-1710.

  7. Cotangent (n) : in a right triangle, the ratio of the side adjacent to a given angle to the side opposite.
    the tangent of the complement, or the reciprocal of the tangent, of a given angle or arc. (Abbr. cot, cotan, ctn)
    Origin : Latin - cotangent - 1625-1635.