How do you convert 0.916 repeating to a fraction?

1 Answer
Aug 13, 2016

0.91bar(6) = 11/12


If you meant 0.91bar(6) = 0.916666... then first multiply by 100(10-1) = 1000-100. The factor 100 is to shift the number 2 places to the left to leave the repeating portion just after the decimal point. The factor (10-1) is to shift it one further place to the left (the length of the repeating pattern), then subtract the original to cancel out the repeating tail...

(1000-100)0.91bar(6) = - = 825

Then dividing both ends by (1000-100) we find:

0.91bar(6) = 825/(1000-100) = 825/900 = (color(red)(cancel(color(black)(75)))xx11)/(color(red)(cancel(color(black)(75)))xx12) = 11/12