Question #1d80c

2 Answers

paranthesis first :)


(7-5)*3 =>(75)3 first (7-5) =2(75)=2 then multiplication 2*3=623=6

18-5+3185+3 from left to right 18-5 = 13+3 = 16185=13+3=16

(19+4)-8 / 2(19+4)82 first (19+4)(19+4) then (8/2)(82) and finally subtraction

23 - 8/2 = 23-4 = 192382=234=19

Sep 20, 2016

6, 16, 196,16,19


Count the number of terms in each expression first.

IN each term, do brackets first,
then multiply and divide
last add and subtract

" "color(red)((7-5)) xx 3" "larr (75)×3 all one term. Brackets first
=" "color(red)(2) xx 3 2×3

18-5 +3" "larr185+3 there are 3 terms

Work left to right

= 13 +3 = 16=13+3=16

OR re-arrange the terms with the subtract at the end.

NOTE!! only 5 is being subtracted!! Do not add 5+3!

18+3-5 = 1618+35=16
color(red)((9+14))color(blue)(-8div2)" "larr(9+14)8÷2 there are 2 terms - get two answers

=color(white)(xxxl)color(red)(23)color(blue)(-4)" "×xl234 do 2 calculations, one in each term.

=" "19 19