Question #11d15 Physics Fluid Mechanics Bouyant Forces 1 Answer P dilip_k Oct 23, 2016 The desity of the packet d_p="Mass of the packet"/"Its volume" =(600g)/(450cm^3)=1.33" "gcm^-3 Given the density of water d_w=1" "gcm^-3 d_p>d_w->"the packet will sink in water" Answer link Related questions How can I calculate the buoyant force of a floating object? What happens with an object when the buoyant force is stronger than the force of gravity? How can I calculate the buoyant force of a boat? A rock weighs 2.25 Newtons when suspended in air. In water, it appears to weigh only 1.8 Newtons. Why? How is the buoyant force related to the weight of water displaced? How is buoyant force related to weight? How is buoyant force related to pressure? How is buoyant force related to floating and sinking? What happens when a substance floats on top of water? How do buoyant forces occur? See all questions in Bouyant Forces Impact of this question 2176 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License