Question #97138

1 Answer
Nov 10, 2016

Proposing a solution with the structure

#a_n = C lambda^n# and substituting into the difference equation


we have

#C lambda^(n+2)-Clambda^(n+1)-Clambda^n=C lambda^n(lambda^2-lambda-1)=0# so the values

#lambda = 0, lambda = (1pmsqrt(5))/2# are eventual solutions for the difference equation.

So #a_n = C_0 0^n + C_1 ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n+C_2 ((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n = C_1 ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n+C_2 ((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n#

Now, #C_1,C_2# are determined according to the initial conditions.

For instance if #C_1 = 1/sqrt(5)# and #C_2 = -1/sqrt(5)# we will get the result shown in the question.