Question #96a4f

1 Answer
Mar 25, 2017

The empirical formula is #"CuS"_2#.


An empirical formula is the simplest whole number molar ratio of the elements in a compound.

Your compound contains #"0.768 mol Cu"# and #"1.56 mol S"#.

I like to summarize the calculations in a table.

#bb("Element"color(white)(m) "Moles"color(white)(m) "Ratio"color(white)(m)color(white)(l)"Integers")#
#color(white)(m)"Cu" color(white)(mmmll)0.768 color(white)(Xm)1color(white)(mmmmmll)1#
#color(white)(m)"S"color(white)(mmmml)1.56" color(white)(Xmll)2.03 color(white)(mmmml)2#

There is 1 mol of #"Cu"# for 2 mol of #"S"#.

The empirical formula is #"CuS"_2#.