What is #12414/155679# in simplest form?
2 Answers
One method of finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers goes as follows:
Divide the larger number by the smaller to give a quotient and remainder.
If the remainder is
#0# then the smaller number is the GCF. -
Otherwise repeat with the smaller number and the remainder.
In our example, we can find the GCF of
#155679/12414 = 12" "# with remainder#6711#
#12414/6711 = 1" "# with remainder#5703#
#6711/5703 = 1" "# with remainder#1008#
#5703/1008 = 5" "# with remainder#663#
#1008/663 = 1" "# with remainder#345#
#663/345 = 1" "# with remainder#318#
#345/318 = 1" "# with remainder#27#
#318/27 = 11" "# with remainder#21#
#27/21 = 1" "# with remainder#6#
#21/6 = 3" "# with remainder#3#
#6/3 = 2" "# with remainder#0#
So the GCF is
#12414/155679 = (12414/3)/(155679/3) = 4138/51893#
This is in simplest form.
We have:
To reduce this to simplest form, we can try estimating to find a possible factor of the expression. These numbers are well past any times tables I ever learned.
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Can we go farther? We can see that again
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