Question #3d416

1 Answer
Apr 14, 2017

Here's what I get.


Quantum numbersQuantum numbers

(a) 3 0 0

n = 3 tells you that this is the third energy level and l=0 tells that it is an "s" orbtal.

Together they tell you that this is a "3s" electron.

(b) 2 1 1

The principal quantum number n = 2 tells you that this is the second energy level and l = 1 tells you that it is a "p" orbital.

Together they tell you that this is a "2p" electron.

The magnetic quantum number m_l = 1 tells you the orientation of the orbital in a magnetic field.

Thus the electron is in one of the three "3p" orbitals.

(c) 4 2- 1

Impossible! You cannot have l = "-2".

The allowed values go from l = 0 to n-1 (i.e. l = 0, 1, 2, 3)

(d) 3 3 2

Impossible! You cannot have l = "3".

The allowed values go from l = 0 to n-1 (i.e. l = 0, 1, 2)

(e) 3 1 2

Impossible! You cannot have m_l = "2".

The allowed values of m_l go from "-"l to "+"l (i.e. m_l = -1, 0, 1).