How are zygotes formed in fungi?

1 Answer
Feb 28, 2018

Zygote in Fungi is formed as a consequence of sexual reproduction and will give rise to new organism on germination and not the gametes


Plant body in fungi is haploid and these exhibit haplontic type of life cycle in which zygote is the only diploid structure and all other stages in the life cycle are haploid.

The plant body in fungi is made up of hyphae called mycelium. It reproduces sexually by gametes, which are produced by mitosis* . The gametes fuse to form diploid zygote. Zygote often gets surrounded by thick wall to become zygospore** for tiding over unfavourable conditions.

On the approach of favourable conditions zygospore germinates. Diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis to form haploid nuclei. Subsequently haploid meiospores are produced. Each meiospore germinates to form fungal mycelium or plant body.

How can zygote on germinate form the gametes as it is not the organ to undergo sexual reproduction? Instead it is formed as a consequence of sexual reproduction.