How many ATOMS in a #49*g# mass of sulfuric acid?

1 Answer
Jun 1, 2017

Approx. #2.1xx10^24# individual atoms.................


We know that in the ONE MOLECULE, the ONE FORMULA UNIT of sulfuric acid, there are 7 atoms: #4xxO;2xxH#; #1xxS#.

We also that know that in a molar quantity of sulfuric acid, i.e. a #98.08*g# mass there are #N_A# individual formula units, where #N_A="Avocado's number"=6.022xx10^23*mol^-1#.

And thus number of atoms, #="7"*"atoms"xx(49*g)/(98.08*g*mol^-1)xx6.022xx10^23*mol^-1=??"atoms....."#