If both of the zeros of ax^2+bx+cax2+bx+c are positive or both negative then what can you say about the signs of a, ba,b and cc ?
2 Answers
See explanation...
Given a quadratic polynomial:
If the zeros are both positive then
aa andcc have the same sign andbb has the opposite sign. -
If the zeros are both negative then
aa ,bb andcc have the same sign.
To see these, suppose the zeros are
We have:
ax^2+bx+c = a(x-alpha)(x-beta)ax2+bx+c=a(x−α)(x−β)
color(white)(ax^2+bx+c) = a(x^2-(alpha+beta)x+alphabeta)ax2+bx+c=a(x2−(α+β)x+αβ)
color(white)(ax^2+bx+c) = ax^2-(alpha+beta)ax+alphabetaaax2+bx+c=ax2−(α+β)ax+αβa
Matching the coefficients, we find:
{ (b = -(alpha+beta)a), (c = alphabetaa) :}
The converses of these two results are not generally true.
There are quadratic equations
For example:
has no real zeros.
It still has two zeros, but they are so called "imaginary" a.k.a. non-real complex numbers. They do not lie on the real number line, but somewhere else in the complex plane. The real number line forms the
All complex numbers can be expressed in the form
i^2 = -1
For example, the zeros of
-1/2+sqrt(3)/2i" " and" "-1/2-sqrt(3)/2i
It is unfortunate that the term imaginary is used of such numbers - coined when such numbers were poorly understood. They are just as real as Real numbers and better behaved in some respects.
Some more explanation...
Attempting to make this a little easier to follow, let us start with the simpler case where the leading coefficient is
Using FOIL to help multiply, we find:
(x-alpha)(x-beta) = overbrace((x * x))^"First"+overbrace(x * (-beta))^"Outside"+overbrace((-alpha) * x)^"Inside"+overbrace((-alpha) *(-beta))^"Last"
color(white)((x-alpha)(x-beta)) = x^2-betax-alphax+alphabeta
color(white)((x-alpha)(x-beta)) = x^2-(alpha+beta)x+alphabeta
Comparing this with the expression
alpha > 0 andbeta > 0 then-(alpha+beta) < 0 , sop < 0 .
Alsoalphabeta > 0 , soq > 0 .color(white)(0/0)
In summary, the pattern of the signs of the coefficients ofx^2+px+q is+ - + .color(white)(0/0)
For examplex^2-3x+2 = (x-1)(x-2) has zeros1 and2 .color(white)(0/0) -
alpha < 0 andbeta < 0 then-(alpha+beta) > 0 , sop > 0 .color(white)(0/0)
Alsoalphabeta > 0 , soq > 0 .color(white)(0/0)
In summary, the pattern of the signs of the coefficients ofx^2+px+q is+ + + .color(white)(0/0)
For examplex^2+3x+2 = (x+1)(x+2) has zeros-1 and-2 .
The more general case of
We have:
ax^2+bx+c = a(x^2+b/ax+c/a) = a(x-alpha)(x-beta)
alpha > 0 andbeta > 0 then the coefficients1 ,b/a andc/a have signs in the pattern+ - + .color(white)(0/0)
Hence ifa > 0 then the pattern of the signs of the coefficients ofax^2+bx+c is also+ - + .color(white)(0/0)
If insteada < 0 then the pattern of the signed of the coefficients ofax^2+bx+c is- + - .color(white)(0/0) -
alpha < 0 andbeta < 0 then the coefficients1 ,b/a andc/a have signs in the pattern+ + + .color(white)(0/0)
Hence ifa > 0 then the pattern of the signs of the coefficients ofax^2+bx+c is also+ + + .color(white)(0/0)
If insteada < 0 then the pattern of the signs of the coefficients ofax^2+bx+c is- - - .