If #L = lim_(x-> 0) (e^x - 1)/x#, what is the value of #L#?

2 Answers
Aug 14, 2017

Use a Mclaurin series


The taylor series for #e^x# is #1 + x + x^2/(2!) + x^3/(3!) + ...# at #x = 0#. Hence, we can substitute this into the limit.

#L = lim_(x->0) (1 + x + x^2/(2!) + x^3/(3!) + ... - 1)/x#

#L = lim_(x->0) (x + x^2/(2!) + x^3/(3!) + ...)/x#

#L = lim_(x->0) x/x + x^2/(x2!) + x^3/(x3!) + ...#

#L = lim_(x->0) 1 + x/(2!) + x^2/(3!) + ...#

#L = 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + ...#

#L = 1#

So the limit has been proven.

Hopefully this helps!

Aug 14, 2017

See below.


Making #h = x# we have

#lim_(h->0)(e^h-1)/h = lim_(h->0)(e^(0+h)-e^0)/h = (d/(dx)e^x)(0) = e^0 = 1#