What is the multiplicative inverse of #5/(x-2)#?

2 Answers
Oct 16, 2017

Reverse function of #f(x)=5/x-2# is #g(x)=5/(x+2)#


We have #f(x)=5/x-2#

Hence #5/x=f(x)+2#

or #x=5/(f(x)+2)#

Hence reverse function of #f(x)=5/x-2# is


Oct 16, 2017

#f(x)^-1 =1/(5/(x-2))=(x-2)/5#


The inverse of a real number for all non-zero real numbers is the number when multiplied to the original gives a product of 1.

In simpler terms, if asked to find the inverse of the number 3

then: #3x=1# where #x# is the inverse.

Solving for #x#, #(3x)/3=1/3#, #x=1/3#

Remember that #3=3/1# so if we multiply the number 3 by its inverse in this manner:


We can tell by this that a simple rule of thumb for the inverse of a number is just the numerator and denominators are exchanged. This is because the numerator and denominators cancel each other out respectively #3/1*1/3=(3*1)/(3*1)=3/3=1#