How to graph: #y=-2/5x-2#?

1 Answer
Nov 19, 2017

Find two points on the line and draw a straight line through the points. See below.


The equation of a straight line in slope #(m)# and #y-#intercept #(c)# form is:

#y = mx+c#

In this example we are asked to graph: #y=-2/5x-2#

Which is a straight line with a slope of #-2/5# and #y-# intercept of #2#

The way to graph a straight line is to find two points on the line and draw a straight line through them. The line will actually extend infinitely in both directions - but we are limited by paper or screen size!

The simplest points to find are usually the #x-# and #y-#intercepts.

We already know the #y-#intecept is #-2#

The #x-#intercept occurs where #y=0#

I.e. where: #-2/5x-2 =0#

#2/5x = -2 -> x=-5#

Now we have our two points on the line: #(-5,0) and (0, -2)#

Hence we can draw the graph as below:

graph{(-y-2/5x-2)((x+5)^2+y^2-0.01)(x^2+(y+2)^2-0.01)=0 [-7.904, 6.144, -4.086, 2.93]}