What is transcription a process of?

1 Answer

Transcription is responsible for the synthesis of a protein molecule with specific sequence of amino acids as per codon sequence in DNA molecule.


All proteins are made up of a chain of amino acids held together by peptide bonds. There are only 20 constituent amino acids.

A protein molecule does not contain all amino acids together. Different proteins have different constituent amino acids. Variation in different proteins is due to specific sequence of amino acids constituting these.

The specific sequence of amino acids is determined by the codon sequence of codons in DNA molecule. The synthesis of proteins occurs in ribosomes.

DNA is present in nucleus and it can not move out of it. It directs the synthesis of protein molecule on ribosome through mRNA. It moves out of the nucleus and reaches ribosome to control the synthesis of protein with specific sequence of amino acids as per direction of DNA.

The process of synthesis of mRNA as per the sequence of codons in DNA is termed transcription. Transcription is thus a process to carry the message of DNA through mRNA to ribosome for the synthesis of protein with specific sequence of amino acids.

Here is a video which summarizes the central dogma of molecular biology using DNA Workshop from PBS:

video from: [Noel Pauller]