How many isomers of #C_3H_4# are possible?

2 Answers
Jan 4, 2018

Well, it could be either.....


You assess the degree of unsatuation.

#C_3H_4# has 2 degrees of unsaturation.....this could be #"allene"#, #H_2C=C=CH_2#, or #"propyne"#, #HC-=C-CH_3#, or #"cyclopropene"#...

Each degree of unsaturation corresponds to a double bond, OR a ring junction.....

Jan 4, 2018

There are three structural isomers of #"C"_3"H"_4#, propadiene, propyne, and cyclopropene. They all have at least one double bond between carbon atoms, and one has triple bonds between carbon atoms. Refer to the diagrams below.


The diagram below represents the structural formula of propadiene.

The diagram below represents the structural formula propyne.

The diagram below represents the structural formula of cyclopropene.