A country's population in 1995 was 164 million. In 2001 it was 169 million. How do you estimate the population in 2015 using exponential growth formula?

1 Answer
Dec 23, 2017

#181.268 # million to 3 dp


#color(blue)("Initial condition")#

The difference in years from 1995 to 2001 is 6 years
The change in population count in millions was 164 to 169

Let the unknown growth percentage be #x%# giving:



Taking logs



Set #y=100+x# giving

#ln(y)~~ 4.610175....#

#=>e^(4.610175...) ~~ y#

Thus #x~~0.501792...#
#color(blue)("New condition")#

Time span from #t_o=2015-1995= 20# years

Thus population estimate at 2015 is:

#164((100.501792..)/100)^20~~181.268 # million to 3 dp