A dishonest shopkeeper has two false balances. One balance wieghs 10% more while buying the goods and other weighs 10% less while selling the goods then what is his gain percent just by weighing?

1 Answer
Sep 17, 2017

Shopkeepers gain just by weighing is 22.22%


Assume that theshopkeeper bought x units of goods i.e. actual weight of goods.

As the balance used to buy goods weighs 10% more, he actually bought x xx 110/100=1.1x weight units i.e. although the shopkeeper paid for x units, he actully bought 1.1x units by weight.

Now he has 1.1x units of goods, but for selling he uses another balance, which actually measures 10% less i.e. 1-0.10=0.9 units for each unit weight of goods sold.

So while selling 1.1x becomes (1.1x)/0.90=1.2222... units.

Hence, shopkeepers gain just by weighing is 22.22%