A solid sphere is rolling purely on a rough horizontal surface (coefficient of kinetic friction = #mu#) with speed of center #= u#. It collides inelastically with a smooth vertical wall at a certain moment. The coefficient of restitution being #1/2#?

The time when the sphere will start pure rolling is?

Proceed with your approach. But I have a question, can this problem be solved using linear impulse-momentum theorem and/or angular impulse-momentum theorem?

1 Answer
Mar 15, 2018



Well,while taking an attempt to solve this,we can say that initially pure rolling was occurring just because of #u=omegar# (where,#omega# is the angular velocity)

But as the collision took place,its linear velocity decreases but during collision there was no change inhence #omega#,so if the new velocity is #v# and angular velocity is #omega'# then we need to find after how many times due to the applied external torque by frictional force,it will be in pure rolling,i.e #v=omega'r#

Now,given,coefficient of restitution is #1/2# so after the collision the sphere will have a velocity of #u/2# in the opposite direction.

So,new angular velocity becomes #omega=-u/r# (taking the clockwise direction to be positive)

Now,external torque acting due to frictional force, #tau =r*f=I alpha# where, #f# is the frictional force acting ,#alpha# is angular acceleration and #I# is the moment of inertia.

So,#r*mumg =2/5 mr^2 alpha#

so,#alpha =(5mug)/(2r)#

And,considering linear force,we get, #ma=mumg#


Now,let after time #t# angular velocity will be #omega'# so #omega'=omega +alphat#

and,after time #t# linear velocity will be #v#,so #v=(u/2) -at#

For pure rolling motion,


Putting the values of #alpha,omega# and #a# we get, #t=(3u)/(7mug)#