An average human body temperature is 98.6°F. What is average human body temperature in Kelvins?

1 Answer
Nov 28, 2016

The average body temperature is #310# Kelvin.


The formula we are going to use is: #T_"C" = (T_"F" - 32) / 1.8# and #T_"K" = T_"C" + 273#.

First, we need to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, because the Celsius scale has the same magnitude as Kelvin -except #0^oC# is set as the freezing point of pure water and #100^oC# as the boiling point of pure water.

#T_"C" = (T_"F" - 32) / 1.8#




Now we add #273# to the #37^(o)C#.

#T_"K" = T_"C" + 273#



Therefore, the average body temperature in Kelvin is #310#.

Hope this helps :)