Are the lines #3x-2y=-2# and #6x-4y=0# parallel, perpendicular, or neither?

1 Answer
Jul 19, 2016

lines are parallel.


The equation of a line in #color(blue)"slope-intercept form"# is

where m represents the slope and b, the y-intercept.

The advantage to this form is that m and b may be extracted 'easily'

Consider the 2 lines with slope #m_1" and " m_2#

• If lines are parallel , then #color(red)(|bar(ul(color(white)(a/a)color(black)(m_1=m_2)color(white)(a/a)|)))#

• If perpendicular , then #color(red)(|bar(ul(color(white)(a/a)color(black)(m_1xxm_2=-1)color(white)(a/a)|)))#

Rearrange the 2 equations into #color(blue)"slope-intercept form"# and 'extract' their slopes.


Subtract 3x from both sides

hence #cancel(3x)-2y-cancel(3x)=-3x-2rArr-2y=-3x-2#

divide both sides by -2

#(cancel(-2) y)/cancel(-2)=(-3)/(-2)x-2/-2rArry=3/2x+1#

#rArrcolor(magenta)" this line has slope =3/2"#


Subtract 6x from both sides


divide both sides by -4

#(cancel(-4) y)/cancel(-4)=(-6)/(-4)xrArry=3/2x#

#rArrcolor(magenta)"this line has slope =3/2"#

Since the slope of both lines are equal then the 2 lines are parallel.