Are there any possessive pronouns in the following sentence? If so, where?: My ice cream cone has already melted.

1 Answer

Yes, the word "my" is a possessive pronoun


A pronoun is a word that is used as a substitute for a noun and is commonly done to refer to a noun that is either already known or to simply avoid overusing one. For example, in the prior sentence, I used the word "one" to refer to the word "noun". I could have used the word "noun" again, but the sentence would start to get clunky with too many uses of the word "noun", and so I used a pronoun to break it up. I also use the word "I" to refer to myself, Parz, who is writing out this answer.

A possessive pronoun is a pronoun used to indicate ownership. The word "my" is a prime example as it indicates a person (but the name of the person, the noun, is not named and instead there is only a reference to the person) and indicates that the ice cream cone is his.