Could you help find subjects and predicates in the following sentence? Thanks!

  1. Rex runs to his master.
  2. Fido was barking.
  3. Rex did bark
  4. Was Rex barking?
  5. John and I are shopping at the mall.
  6. Little Mike and big Joe will walk swiftly towards their cool car at 8:00pm.
  7. I was laughing and you were crying.
  8. Would Sara like a pink and blue dress for her birthday?
  9. Darn! The man in the store would not accept my money.
  10. Go to the dance!
  11. Fix the leaking faucet.

1 Answer

The subject is the person or thing that is being or doing something.
The verb is the word that tells what the subject is or is doing.
The predicate is the verb + all of the words following it that are related to that verb.


Rex runs to his master.
-- subject = Rex
-- predicate = runs to his master (verb + prepositional phrase)

Fido was barking.
-- subject = Fido
-- predicate = was barking (verb only)

Rex did bark,
-- subject = Rex
-- predicate = did bark (verb only)

Was Rex barking?
-- subject = Rex
-- predicate = was barking (verb only)

John and I are shopping at the mall.
-- subject = John and I (a compound subject)
-- predicate = are shopping at the mall (verb + prepositional phrase)

Little Mike and big Joe will walk swiftly towards their cool car at 8:00 pm.
-- subject = Little Mike and big Joe (a compound subject)
-- predicate = will walk swiftly toward their cool car at 8:00 PM (verb + adverb + prepositional phrase + prepositional phrase)

I was laughing and you were crying.
-- a compound sentence joined by the conjunction "and"
-- subject = I
-- predicate = was laughing (verb only)
-- subject = you
-- predicate = were crying (verb only)

Would Sara like a pink and blue dress for her birthday?
-- subject = Sara
-- predicate = would like a pink and blue dress for her birthday (verb + direct object + prepositional phrase)

Darn! The man in the store would not accept my money.
-- simple subject = man (the complete subject = the man in the store)
-- predicate = would not accept my money (verb + adverb + direct object)
The word "darn" is an exclamation.

Go to the dance!
-- implied subject = you
-- predicate = go to the dance (verb + prepositional phrase)

Fix the leaking faucet.
-- implied subject = you
-- predicate = fix the leaking faucet (verb + direct object)