Does a colonoscopy or endoscopy examine the small intestine? If neither of these is correct, what procedure does examine the small intestine?
1 Answer
Double balloon endoscopy and capsule endoscopy is used to examine the small intestine.
Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract can only examine up to first part of duodenum. So to examine the entire small intestine this method is not sufficient.
By using Double balloon endoscopy (DBE) doctors can examine the entire length of small intestine all the way to terminal ileum.
The examination of small intestine by Double balloon endoscopy :
Another technique, the capsule endoscopy, can be used to examine the small intestine. A 26 mm capsule is used. It contains an imaging device, battery, transmitter and antenna. This capsule is swallowed. After approximately 8 hours it is excreted with feces. In the mean time it transmits images as it traverses the small intestine to a battery powered recorder worn on a belt round the patient's waist.
The capsule used in "capsule endoscopy" technique :