Does a_n=x^n/(n!) an=xnn! converge for any x?

2 Answers
Feb 23, 2016

In fact you just need to remember that n! > > > x^nn!>>>xn when n -> oon for every x in RR^+

So the answer is yes

but here the demonstration

study lim_(n->oo)a_n^(1/n)

its x/(n!)^(1/n)

the numerator don't depend of n so we study the denominator


this limit is pretty hard, by intuition you can imagine it will be =1

you can rewrite


so we need to study lim_(n->oo)1/nln(n!)

hopefully we have this awesome approximation

Stirling approximation

so we study


which is lim_(n->oo)(ln(n)-1) = oo

so we proved that lim_(n->oo)(n!)^(1/n) = oo


lim_(n->oo)a_n^(1/n) = 0 for every x in RR^+

So by Cauchy-Hadamard Theorem

radius of convergence R = oo

Feb 27, 2016

Also, the Maclaren power series representation for the series e^x=sum_(n=0)^oo x^n/(n!). So hence this power series converges to a function which is defined for all x in RR. Hence the corresponding sequence x_n=(x^n)/(n!) must also converge for all x in RR.

Alternatively, one could show that this is a Cauchy sequence since AA epsilon >0, EE k in NN, such that m,n >= k => |x_m - x_n | < epsilon

Hence it converges since by a theorem, any sequence (x_n) in RR is convergent if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence.