Does the following sentence have any personal pronouns? If so, where?: It is about to start raining, so we should probably head back inside.

1 Answer

Yes, the personal pronouns in the sentence are it and *we.


A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.
They are: I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them.

The personal pronoun "it" is the third person, singular form that takes the place of a singular noun for a thing. In the given sentence, the pronoun "it" takes the place of the noun for a condition, a thing as the subject of the sentence.

The personal pronoun "we" is the first person, plural form that takes the place of nouns (names) for the person speaking and one or more other people as the subject of the second part of the compound sentence.